Director of Photography

What holds me: The passion for light and shadow, in a world full of contrasts. The courage to allow feelings, to tell a story, the nostalgia. Longing to keep hold of a sentiment, to save it for eternity and replay it anytime. The love for the moment, for detail, for the unconscious rhythm of life. Capturing something onto film, to never let it go, or to get rid of it.

2010 I won my first youth film festival prize. Since 2012 I’ve worked professionally in camera department.

2017 I finished my Bachelor of Arts in Film, emphasis camera, at Zurich University of the arts. Ever since, I have been working as a fulltime freelance Director of Photography and focus-puller.

2021-2022 I studied the Masters programme in Cinematography at FAMU in Prague, Czech republic.

Please contact me directly for projects and questions.