Dover, a small harbour town in South East England, 31st of January 2020. A man walks his dog, a truck passes by, Great Britain leaves the EU at 11 pm. A film about the difficulty of noticing political processes while you are busy with your daily life.
WORLD PREMIERE November 2020
ORIGINAL VERSION English (german subtitles), colour, DCP, 18 min
PRODUCTION Kezia Zurbrügg
PRODUCER Kezia Zurbrügg
CINEMATOGRAPHY Linus Rieser, Nathalie Kamber, Christina Welter
EDITING Selin Dettwiler
SOUND Kathleen Moser
SOUND DESIGN Oswald Schwander
MUSIC Moritz Widrig, Janos Mijnssen
AWARDS (A selection)
Köln, Schnitt Preise, Beste Montage an einem deutschen, österreichischen oder schweizerischen Kurzfilm 2021 (Nomination)
FESTIVALS (A selection)
Korça Short Film Festival 08.07.2022-18.06.2022
Europe and it’s borders, promises and prospects (Brussels: April 2022/ Budapest: June 2022/ Berlin: November 2022)
Köln, 21. Filmplus - Forum für Filmschnitt und Montagekunst 15.10.2021 - 18.10.2021
Drama, 44th Drama International Short Film Festival (DISFF) 12.09.2021 - 18.09.2021
Poznan, 13th Short Waves Festival 14.06.2021 - 20.06.2021
Solothurn, 56. Solothurner Filmtage 20.01.2021 - 27.01.2021
Madrid, 50th Alcine Festival de Cine 06.11.2020 - 13.11.2020